Read. Listen. Cook. Shop.
Does Weight Matter? Why You Might Be Using the Wrong Health Metric
Does weight matter as much as we think it does? Is endlessly striving for a lower number on the scale actually hurting our overall health? Rebekah Fedrowitz examines the difference between weight loss and the pursuit of good health and helps us put our fixation with pounds in its proper place.
The Gift of Food: Receiving the Fullness of its Blessing for Health and Enjoyment
If we want to be truly healthy, we need to change how we eat. We need to see food as the gift God created it to be. We need to savor the fullness of His glorious creation, because let’s be honest, having the ability to taste, in and of itself, is a gift.
Finding Enjoyment in Healthy Eating
Listen now to learn how you can change your relationship with food and start enjoying great food that is actually good for you.